If you have an electret condenser microphone for PC like this, you can make a P.U. for small acoustic guitar such as Martin Backpacker Guitar.

This old Compaq's Mic was scavenged from Junkyard ;-)
Just disassemble it and extract the microphone capsule.
(Keep all wirings )
Then glue this microphone capsule on the "Chopstick" or something like this.
Mount it on the guitar with rubber band like this.
Connect the plug to PC's Mic. jack and now you can use it as Acoustic Guitar P.U.
Easy and cheap to make, and so-so sound quality, useful for casual recording with PC sound card.
ちなみに写真のギターは十数年前にLL-BeanかREIか忘れたけど、海外通販で買った Martin Backpacker。
ギターのサウンドホールに、ギター内部にマイクを向ける形でマウントするのがミソ。遊びで録音する程度には十分使えそうな気がしている。 身近な材料でアコギのP.U.ができないかな、という事で試作してみた、と言うお遊びでした...